RSA Student Design Awards 2017/18



Tiffany Dufu questions why women have these unrealistic expectations of themselves. She focuses on the amount of tasks women have to accomplish each and everyday. But, is it all necessary? Dufu explores the idea of setting unachievable goals and asks them to embrace their imperfections. Nobody is perfect. And nobody should have to achieve these high expectations. Why not ask others for help? 

The biggest inspiration for this animation is from Tiffany Dufu’s book, Drop The Ball. In this acclaimed book, she explains how women can create all-in domestic partnerships that protect them against professional burn-out. 

The approach taken for this animated piece is focused on a pink full stop. This represents the idea of putting a stop to these unrealistic expectations on women in today’s world. 

The piece is solely typographic, to reinforce Dufu’s message. The animation is a series of 14 different typographic experiences which represent the various tasks women have to achieve each and every day. Different fonts, weights, and sizes were intentionally used to illustrate these diverse lists of tasks. The animation has a limited colour palette. The black and white secondary colours signifies that the message itself is black and white - it’s simple. 

You are the only person who can stop this pressure and allow yourself to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. The mood of this animation is quite playful but has a serious message - don’t take life too serious, take time off, have fun


Put a (full) stop to high expectations.


Unknown Limerick


Census 2016